The Rahul Yadav Story You’ve Never Heard Before
An insider’s account of what went wrong with a brilliant 20-something IIT dropout’s entrepreneurial journey.
Everyone likes a good story. And Rahul Yadav’s is a great one.
He’s taken the Indian start-up ecosystem on a roller-coaster. A ride that has ended for now, but the system will continue to shake and shudder for a while from the aftereffects.
Some are calling him a maniac and a loser, and some a genius and a maverick. One thing is certain though: he suffers no such dilemma – in his view he’s the latter.
Before we condemn him and all other “maverick” 20-odd-year-olds running start-up businesses, here are my reflections on how I saw things play out at housing over the last three years from the sidelines.
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